Best Places to visit in Gokul – How to Reach

Gokul Nand Bhawan Chaurasi Khambha, Raman Reti, Shri Thakurani Ghat, Brahmand Ghat, Yogmaya Temple, Shri Chintaharan Mahadev, Gokulnath Temple are the main places to visit in Gokul, apart from these you will see temples in every street of Gokul.

You can also call Gokul Mahavan, it is a suburb of Mathura, which will be about 13-14 kilometers from Mathura city, according to mythological belief, Gokul is the same place where Lord Krishna was raised secretly.

Our country’s famous saint Shri Vallabhacharya also lived at this place for many years, if we talk about the history of Shri Krishna, then when Shri Krishna was born in Kansa’s prison in Mathura, all the soldiers of Kansa were asleep and Vasudev was taken to Kanhaji. Brought and left Nandbaba’s house in Gokul.

Shri Krishna’s elder brother Balram ji was also born here and the childhood of both these brothers was spent in Gokul, where Shri Krishna had killed many demons like Shaktasur Putna etc. So now you have come to know about Gokul.

visit in Gokul

Now let us know about the major sightseeing places of Gokul, visit in Gokul, although you will see temples in every street of Gokul, it is not possible to mention all the temples here, yet in this post, we will tell you about all those places of interest .

Nand Bhavan Chaurasi Khambha

Nand Bhavan It is also called Chaurasi Khambha Temple. Your vehicle, car, bike, auto etc. goes till the entrance of this temple. You will enter through Vasudev Dwar Gate. After climbing a few steps, the Nand Bhavan temple complex is visible.

There are 84 pillars in this temple and it rests on these pillars, it is said that 5000 years ago this temple was built by the craftsman Vishwakarma ji, on the walls of Nand Bhavan Gokul you can see the painting of Shri Krishna Balram’s childhood.

There is also a Banyan tree in the premises of Nand Bhawan 84 Pillar Temple, in which devotees tie the lace of their wishes. Mahadev’s temple is also there in this premises. Overall, if you talk about Gokul, then you must visit Nand Bhavan 84 Pillar.

Nand Bhavan Gokul

Shree Thakurani Ghat

Shri Thakurani Ghat is a major Yamuna Ghat of Gokul. It is believed that this is the same Ghat where Saint Shri Vallabhacharya ji had darshan of Yamuna ji.

Brahmand Ghat

Another famous Ghat of Gokul is Yamuna ji’s Brahmand Ghat . Apart from this, you can also click beautiful photos here.

Brahmand Ghat Gokul This is the same ghat where Kanha ji had eaten the soil and after that showed the whole universe in his mouth to his mother Yashoda, must also visit Shri Brahmand Vihari Temple located at Brahmand Ghat.

Chintaharan Ghat – Chintaharan Mahadev

There is Chintaharan Ghat near Brahmand Ghat and Chintaharan Mahadev Temple is also on this Ghat and this temple has a lot of recognition among the local people, it is a beautiful temple and here you can see Shivling, you must come here too.

According to the legend, when Mother Yashoda saw the universe in the face of Shri Krishna at Brahmand Ghat, she became worried and worriedly worshiped the Shivling built at this Chintaharan Ghat, so that the welfare of Shri Krishna would be done.

Raman Reti Ashram – Raman Reti Gokul

You can’t forget Raman Reti in Gokul, here you have to go, it is one of the most popular places of Gokul, when you come here, you will see that there is a stream of devotees here, till this ashram you can reach your Can bring vehicle.

Raman means Leelaye and Reti means sand. Lord Shri Krishna used to play with Balram at this place, about 200 years ago at this place Swami Gyandasji did penance, God appeared to Swamiji and where Swamiji saw God Shri Raman Bihari Ji Temple is there, you should not miss coming to this place while visiting Gokul .

Whenever you come to this place, you must visit three places here, first of all go to Shri Ramanbihari ji temple and then go near the sand where Shri Krishna used to play with his friends. You can also lie in this sand, the sand here is considered very sacred.

Now there is a Deer Park in front of this Raman Reti Ashram (Raman Reti Gokul) in which there are many deer, ostrich, many birds, you can see deer by coming to this place. If you have children with you, they will like to see deer . It is in front of the gate of the ashram, you have to pay attention to one thing, this temple closes at 12 noon and then opens only at 4 pm.

It is said that by rolling in the soil of Ramanreti, many diseases can be cured by playing here. Very beautiful cottages have been made for the sadhus in Ramanreti, there is also a lake here.

Ancient Shri Nandalaya Mahanad Bhavan

There is another old temple located in Gokul where you should go. You will go through the streets of Gokul. First you will have to go to Ras Chok and then the main temple. There is a painting of Shri Krishna’s childhood on the walls of this temple. According to the board on this temple, this is Shri. It is the birth place of Baldev ji and Yogmaya.

Here you will find all the guides who will tell you about the temple in detail, but when these guides reach the main temple near the priest, they also ask you for donation and this donation is also expensive, so be careful here.

In the sanctum sanctorum of Nand Mahal, you go ahead group-wise. In this temple, you can see the paintings of Shri Krishna’s Mati Khai Leela, Putna Moksha, Yamularjuna Udvar etc. is in

How to reach Gokul

Gokul is located at a distance of about 13-14 kilometers from Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh state. First of all, wherever you are, you come to Mathura, there is a railway station in Mathura where trains come from almost all the major cities of the country or you can take your car or bus etc. You can also come to Mathura, then from Mathura you can come to Gokul by booking any auto, e-rickshaw, cab etc.

Where to stay in Gokul

You do not need to stay in Gokul, you can easily visit all the temples and Ghats of Gokul in 4 to 5 hours, then you come here and go back to Mathura or Vrindavan where there is a hotel, just keep this in mind, come early in the morning. So that you can have darshan till 12 noon or come after 4 pm.

The right way to visit Gokul

See, you are Mathura or Vrindavan, you can book an auto, e rickshaw or cab, that auto or cab driver will take you to visit all the sightseeing places of Gokul and drop you back to your hotel. If you are in your car, then no worries No, you should come to Gokul by your own vehicle.

We had gone by booking an auto which took Rs.500 from us and dropped us at our hotel in Mathura after having complete Gokul darshan.

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